The Sheep Mentality


The Sheep Mentality…. examples range from various things….like drink and take drugs to be cool, or what other people wear…..label clothing, G Star, Ed Hardy, Affliction & Tap Out shirts, Armani shirts…..etc, but it is basically how you want to be just like other people.

Most men and women are just sheep- slaves to all of the misinformation provided in the form of sensational fitness magazines and infomercials.

People just become certified personal trainers and take steroids than go to the gym, just to train and open bootcamps to do whatever everybody else is doing to make money.

Seeing the Sheep Mentality inside and outside gym is even worse. I truly believe the example that most people set will make you worse. Everybody is doing the same thing.

At the gym:
Most women are cardio queens spending hours at a time on ellipticals, bikes, and treadmills- sadly getting nowhere fast. Ladies you need to start doing some resistance training and cut those cardio sessions down to 20 minutes of intense interval training to burn that stubborn hip, thigh, and belly fat.

And then there are also those meathead guys who only work their mirror muscles (abs, chest, biceps) while taking extraordinary long rest periods between sets of upper body isolation exercises. These oversized morons often bench in excess of 315 lbs/140kgs but probably couldn’t perform 30 perfect, full range of motion push-ups with their body weight if their life depended on it.

Outside the gym:
Bootcamps-In most boot camps you will very quickly reach a plateau. Which means your results will stop improving after a short period of time. Example: Boxing and jogging every single session=Plateau

When in doubt, DON’T do what everybody else is doing, inside and outside the gym. Because it’s clearly not working! variety is the spice of life.

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