Male Fitness Leader Board

1 Lap around Merrylands oval
Approximately 400meters
1. Bruno Jukic: 48.11 seconds
3. Kevin Nguyen: 53.88
4. Saleh Racheha: 54.86
5. Nitin Jerome: 55.12
6. Issac Tatupu: 58:76
7. Nicholas Smith: 59.95
8. Joesph Essay: 1 min
9. John Mitri: 1 min 2.95 seconds
10. Nitin: 1 min 3.25 seconds
11. Joe Sandi: 1 min 6.54 seconds
12. Matti Fatti: 1 min 9.98 seconds
13. Dave Donaldson: 1 min 7.56 seconds
14. Chris Valeri: 1 min 12.89 seconds

2min Push ups
1. Bruno Jukic: 140
2. Billy Tomas: 137
3. Laurence Gargol: 123
4. Issac Tatupu: 82
5. Nitin Jerome 70
6. John Mitri: 70
7. Dave Donaldson: 69
6. : 68
8. Chris Valeri: 63
9. Joesph Essay: 59
10. Khan Zaheed: 45
11. Nicholas Smith: 40

2min Sit ups
1. Bruno Jukic: 105
2. Laurence Gargol: 100
3. : 85
4. Issac Tatupu: 73
5. Joesph Essay:70
6. John Mitri: 69
7. Dave Donaldson: 63
8. Chris Valeri: 50
9. Nicholas Smith: 47
10. Khan Zaheed: 36

2min Burpees
1. Billy Tomas: 63
2. Bruno Jukic: 60
3. : 57
4. Saleh Racheha: 49
5. Nitin Jerome:47
6. Issac Tatupu: 40
7. John Mitri: 35
8. Joesph Essay: 33
9. Nicholas Smith: 32
10. Dave Donaldson: 30
11. Chris Valeri: 29
12. khan Zaheed: 29
11. Nitin: 25

Pull ups Max
1. Billy Tomas: 42
2. Bruno Jukic: 38
3. Laurence Gargol: 30
4. Nitin Jerome: 23
5. Issac Tatupu: 21
6. John Mitri: 18
7. Joesph Essay: 17
8. Dave Donaldson: 15
9. Chris Valeri: 12

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