Brunos All Elite Athletic Group Training


Every Sunday Morning at Merrylands 9:00am

Group Profile:
CrossFit style workouts with inform athletes from all sporting backgrounds. In order to get the body or performance of an athlete, one must train with the very best possible training partners.

Group Goal:
To become fit and achieve the very best possible results. You must train with people who are performing at the highest athletic level. We all need to be motivated and push ourselves to our bodies limits. In order to do so, you need to be training with the best in every aspect of fitness.

Workout Description:
Strength and conditioning based training session that will target and improve your cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, agility, balance, coordination, and accuracy.

Group Overview:
Functional, varied, intense. That’s a CrossFit style workout. “It’s a fun, intense way to get in phenomenal shape,” “You’re moving your body weight, or a weight, around your body, and the workouts are constantly changing.”

Because CrossFit workouts are timed and coached, they offer a “very efficient way to get in shape.” And because they are conducted in a group, CrossFit style classes employ a certain amount of competition to boost the burn.

“It’s group suffering,” “You’re much more willing to suffer in a group than you are by yourself; that’s just human nature.”


“Pain is only weakness leaving your body”

The All Naturals

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8 thoughts on “Brunos All Elite Athletic Group Training

  1. No worries Mark,

    We need to separate the winners from the losers. The quitters from the warriors. I can’t stand people in limbo. We all need change, and in order to change your body. You need to be pushing yourself to your extreme limit. With this group, there is no weak links, or someone else to be held accountable when you are performing poorly.

    This group is going to change many peoples perspective on what the word being fit truly means.

  2. bro, stop making your pictures .bmp file they are too fucking big. use irfran view to make them jpg.

  3. Great sessions bro! Fucking mad shit! 100meter sprints with a trolley. banded bear crawls, banded sprints, banded jumps, kettle bells, carrying your partner on your shoulders and running with him up the staris, and all put into a circuit its crazy and rewarding. Its a shame about the volume of people who come, to many soft cocks outs there it looks like. I had fun, I can’t wait to get another friday night session in again. I love the lactic and the pain I get. I can never get the same pain and results anywhere else.
    Great work Bruno, cant wait to see the park covered with freaks in white shirts. You need to be a semi freak to get through these tough ass sessions. It really seperates the men from the boys. You have to be gay or a true soft cock to do your average bootcamp. You for sure are a sad cunt. See you boys next week.

  4. These friday Night sessions Sir.Bruno is holding are great, let me put it this way you wanna get fit get in shape look well and be healthy from the inside, bruno is the man to see im not no shit talker to sell a great trainer buisness but this single man aka Saleh personal warrior has inspired me as a person to go and do all Personal trainer courses please contact him for a better future and healthier future for your selves.

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